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Essay the lottery

Essay the lottery

The Lottery, essay the lottery in a small, isolated town, tells a story where […], essay the lottery. Check the price of your paper. Bibliography IvyPanda. The novel is filled with a lot of contrasts that shape your mood and the perception of the story. We must determine what is right over wrong and chose the hard path over the easy path. Then, the villagers throw their stones into Tessie as a part of their death ritual. Just try!

�� Most Interesting The Lottery Topics to Write about

The Lotterya short story by Shirley Jackson, developed the themes of adherence to essay the lottery traditions, parenting essay the lottery scapegoating. The broad aftermath and the negative responses of the readers who did not see the line between fiction and reality prove that the plot of the short story The Lottery by Jackson reflects the real problems of the modern community. The plot of the story depicts a two hours lottery in a small town which finishes with a ritualistic death ceremony of stoning the unlucky participant as a sacrifice for ensuring a better harvest.

At the beginning of the short story, the village children walk around collecting stones. Summers who runs the lottery mixes the slips of paper in a black box, checks if everyone is in place and invites the heads of the families to draw the papers. When it clears out that Bill Hutchinson gets the unlucky slip, his wife Tessie starts protesting saying that her husband had not enough time for making his choice and the lottery is not fair. Then, each member of the Hutchinsons family selects a slip of paper, and Tessie draws a slip with a black dot on it. Then, the villagers throw their stones into Tessie as a part of their death ritual. The fact that Tessie does not question the rite itself, but protests against the choice of her family emphasizes the idea of adherence to tradition as the major theme of the short story.

The rite is regarded as sacred and the idea of doubting it does not occur to anybody. When Mrs. Adams admits that the ritual of the lottery has already been abandoned in other villages, Warner as the eldest man in this community answers that giving up the rite can cause only troubles. For instance, the Nazis scapegoated the Jewish people, proclaiming them the reason of their troubles. Regardless of the current societal progress, modern people frequently scapegoat sexual and ethnical minorities, blaming them for the current moral decay and other social problems. The social phenomenon of scapegoating is rooted deep in public consciousness and tradition according to which the dominating social group looks for the opportunities of self-affirmation and shifting the responsibility for their problems on essay the lottery others.

Though the ritual of stoning to death has certain historical basis, its meaning essay the lottery rather symbolical and should not be taken literally by modern readers. The examples of scapegoating the others, including the limited rights of immigrants for finding a good job and the so-called glass ceiling due to which women receive lower salaries than men doing the same job and have lower chances for career promotion clearly represent the phenomenon of scapegoating in modern community. After the short story was published in The New Yorker inthe author received hundreds of hostile letters from the readers objecting to the brutal ending of the story. The debates concerning the actual location of these rites prove that the line between the fiction and reality as perceived by the readers appeared to be unclear.

Hypocritically concealing their fear of becoming a scapegoat, not feeling empathy with Tessie Hutchinson who becomes a victim and not having moral strength and common sense to abandon the meaningless rite, the characters of the short story have a strong resemblance to modern readers. Thus, essay the lottery, the plot of the short story can be regarded as the exaggerated reflection of the phenomenon of scapegoating as the imaginary solution to the real problems of the modern community. Hattenhauer, Darryl. State University of New York Press, Murphy, Bernice. Shirley Jackson: Essays essay the lottery the Literary Legacy, essay the lottery. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

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The surrealistic effect of the story is further strengthened by the weird mood of the villagers, festive and sorrowful at the same time. Shirley Jackson manages to keep the attention of the readers and does not reveal the real meaning of the lottery until the very end of the story. The dramatic transformation of ordinary people with their mundane interests, gossips and good-neighbor relations into a group of killers and their thoughtless obedience to an outdated violent tradition stress the horror of the situation. For me, this story is remarkable because it touches real problems of our society, and reveals a lot of dangerous weaknesses of human nature. Shirley Jackson clearly shows in the story that the real meaning of this tradition was already forgotten, and even the black box was only a symbol of the tragic lottery.

The story also emphasizes human inertia and resistance to changes: although most people felt uncomfortable with the lottery e. Delacroix and Mrs. Hutchinson was even attempting to resist the tradition was late for the lottery , the crowd continued to follow the pernicious ritual. People did not ask questions and even got surprised hearing that in some towns this tradition was ended. For me, the message in this story is that everyone should think critically and analyze what is happening without relying on the opinion of other people and following only a personal code of ethics.

Another valuable insight that I got from this story is that peaceful setting and spurious well-being should not hinder the understanding of the situation: one always needs to look at the real facts of the matter and should always be alert. I believe that Shirley Jackson was trying to warn people against relying on wrong outdated values and traditions and tried to show how destructive such blind obedience could be. As for me, this story taught me that the real intentions of people should be judged by actions and their ability to take responsibility for their actions, rather than by compliance with social rules.

Custom papers you get from our writing experts should be used for research purposes only. These papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit. The lottery essay. Symbols Shirley Jackson uses the symbols in her work, simply because they help the author to represent some important things. Black Box is a symbol of these actions, And there is no doubt that the major symbol suggested by Shirley Jackson is the Lottery itself. Foreshadowing Shirley Jackson uses foreshadowing to emphasize the possibility of future violent events, she hints on it by using seemingly innocent details, such as stones in the pockets of the children at the beginning of the story, when it is not clear how they will be used further.

Next Essay on The lack of Schools and teachers trained to care for severe traumatic brain injury children. Search for:. It is a strong believe what we would like to maintain and would like to follow in our society. Each and every society would like to follow some of their cultural rituals. According to the short stories, the lottery byShirley Jackson describes in her stories, […]. If one takes any occurrence and tries to make sense of it, there is always a philosophical theory to rationalize with it. Philosophy is all about different theories used to describe the nature of human thoughts, the nature of the universe and the correlation between the two. Regardless of what time period it is, the […]. Shirly Jackson was an American author whose stories took on horror and mystery. She wrote of her childhood and experiences that included memoirs, short stories and novels.

One controversial short story she wrote was published in the New Yorker on June 26, called The Lottery. It depicted a rural community shackled by tradition with […]. The setting takes place in a small community consisting of about citizens. Each year, head of the family of this community hold a community-wide lottery in which everyone is to participate. Throughout the video, the viewer gets […]. The author used third person point of view for this story. She described an un-named village that held a lottery every year. Whoever was picked from the black wooden box, was stoned to death. The position the author had, knew the outcome of the story.

Therefore, she did not use perceptive on any of the […]. Motif is a recurring concept that has significance in literature. In The Lottery, there are two key motifs that support the concept of how dangerous it is to blindly follow tradition. In the short story, by Shirley Jackson, The Lottery, is about a small town that gathers everyone together each year for a big drawing. The drawing consists of a list, the head of families and heads of households that were usually the husbands, and if they are not present, the next in line, is the […]. People of a small town come together in the square for the lottery. In other places, the lottery takes a long time, but there are approximately people populated in this town, so the lottery takes only a few hours.

Children, who have finished schooling for the summer, go to collect stones. They put the […]. Shirley Jackson portrays Old Man Warner as an individual who has traditions instilled in him to a fault. Throughout the story, Old Man Warner is constantly at odds with the younger community members who start questioning the […]. The Lottery In her short story, The Lottery, Shirley Jackson demonstrates the hypocrisy of a person through the development of the character of Tessie Hutchinson. The publication of The Lottery in The New Yorker on June 26, resulted in many cancelled subscriptions due to its gruesome plot Franklin par. The short story follows […]. The villagers have a lottery yearly in which one individual in the village is chosen to be stoned by the rest of the town including friends, family, and foe.

Jackson portrays the lottery as a welcomed practice. Jackson uses a black box, Old Man Warner, and Tessie Hutchinson as a symbolic reference to blind humans […]. When you think of striking gold in the lottery, you dream that you get lucky and win a tremendous amount of cash! However, The Lottery written by Shirley Jackson Jackson surprises the audience with a reverse effect because if you win; the rest of the […]. The main idea of this story was the lottery, how they decided on who got chosen and what would happen to that person. After this step, you can proceed to payment to ensure your question is visible to writers.

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