Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Essay on ptsd

Essay on ptsd

At this stage, the techniques, such as anxiety management, exposure therapy essay on ptsd the patients cope with the memories and feelings associated with the traumatic eventessay on ptsd, interpersonal therapy helping those who suffer understand, in which way their condition affects different aspects of their life, including relationships with other peopleessay on ptsd, and cognitive therapy teaching patients how to evaluate their own thoughts and beliefs. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD Has Words: Length: 35 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : This paper is going to explore how the psychodynamic perspective influences how the United States has responded to the influx of undocumented families and unaccompanied minors crossing the US-Mexico border seeing refuge or asylum. Essay on ptsd normally remain scared after […]. This can take about fifteen minutes a day or it can be done an hour or two before that person goes to bed. By continuing we'll assume you board with our cookie policy PTSD is a major mental disorder prevalent or common to military personnel.

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The PTSD essay outline is a basic outline like any other persuasive paper. It will include an introduction that tells the main purpose of the essay. It will also include three to five supporting points that allow the writer to fulfill that purpose. Essay on ptsd written, essay on ptsd, the outline acts a basic blueprint essay on ptsd the essay, essay on ptsd. The best way to approach creating an outline is to follow the basic template provided here below. See our template and example to help you discover how to craft your own. Use a transition thought to prepare the reader for the next supporting paragraph. Third Supporting Paragraph Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph.

Support the topic sentence with relevant information. Use a transition thought to prepare the reader for the conclusion. Conclusion Reiterate the main point of the essay. Highlight the supporting points that back up the thesis statement. Close out with a final thought to give the reader something upon which to reflect after reading. PTSD Essay Outline Example. References Military Times. One In Five Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Suffer from PTSD or Major Depression. It is difficult to get an accurate record of the actual number of children that have been sexually abused, essay on ptsd.

Many cases never come to light and because of differences in definitions of sexual assault, some cases are missed Researchers have begun to explore the concept of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with children and adults that were victims of essay on ptsd assault. Many times people associate particular events with particular stimuli. This point is also made by Yehuda, essay on ptsd, Flory, Pratchett, Buxbaum, Ising and Holsboerwho report that early life stress can also increase the risk of developing PTSD and there may even be a genetic component involved that predisposes some people to developing PTSD. Studies of Vietnam combat veterans have shown that the type of exposure variables that were encountered i.

One important aspect was that research findings suggested that PTSD was more common than was thought to be the case when the DSM-III diagnostic criteria were formulated. Friedman,para. The first of these criteria qualifies the meaning of trauma. A traumatic event essay on ptsd. PTSD Effects in the Military The military and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD The Iraq occupation cost the Americans as citizens and as a government more than was foreseen hence brought more harm than immediate good to the U. As a nation. This is in light of the collateral damage that the essay on ptsd has caused to the people of America physically and emotionally. Many arguments have been fronted that the benefits of.

While there are approximately 5 million people suffering from the illness at any one time in America, women are twice as likely to develop PTSD as compared to men, essay on ptsd. Causative Factors. Post traumatic stress disorder is given as psychological reaction which take place after one has gone through a stressful event. the characteristics of PTSD are anxiety, depression, recurrent nightmares, flashbacks and avoiding things that are a reminder of the event. There have been increased reports of mental health problems among soldiers who have been deployed in war zones like Afghanistan and Iraq, essay on ptsd. Essay on ptsd paper will look at two articles that.

Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Download this Outline in word format. Excerpt from Outline : Introduction The PTSD essay outline is a basic outline like any other persuasive paper. Segue into identifying the supporting topics that you will touch upon in your essay. Close out with your thesis statement —the main point that you will make. First Supporting Paragraph Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph. Second Supporting Paragraph Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph, essay on ptsd. Read Full Outline. PTSD Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Is Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD Has Words: Length: 35 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : PTSD the Nature of Police Words: Length: 15 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : PTSD Effects in the Military Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Is Words: Length: 3 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Is Given As Words: Length: 4 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper :

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Highly recommended. Thank you for the good work that you did with my writing assignment. I hope I won't need to use any kind of writing service in the future, but if I do, rest assured that it is your fine service that I will use. Please know that I am a satisfied customer, all the way, and that I will tell as many students as I can about the work that you do. However, it is worth mentioning that there are the factors, which make people more easily exposed to PTSD. The biological and psychological responses to distressing events are defined by the characteristic features of both the person suffering and the event. The initial response is fear. This is a biological reaction, but it can be influenced by the subjective interpretation of the event by the person involved Yehuda, It is a common thing that after a traumatic event one starts feeling powerless and vulnerable.

In such a case bringing comfort to a victim might help. However, if the distressing situation is not over yet e. Horror, sadness, guilt, humiliation, and anger are also among other symptoms. Some people consider themselves to be guilty because they did not behave the way, which could have helped to avoid the traumatic event Yehuda, Extremely distressing events also have the biological influence on individuals. For instance, those who have endured post-traumatic stress disorder have the lower level of cortisol, even in more than ten years after the event, than those who have not. At the same time, the level of corticotropin-releasing hormone is increased. For comparison, people suffering from short periods of stress or depression have the increased levels of both corticotropin-releasing hormone and cortisol Yehuda, Both psychological and biologic aspects of the illness show that PTSD develops because of the failure to hold back the biologic stress response in the course of the traumatic event.

This results in constant recollecting of the traumatic event and hyperarousal. Apart from that, patients suffering from PTSD also have the increased heart rate. All of these findings indicate that those with PTSD have more activated sympathetic system than those who do not have the disorder Yehuda, FREE EXTRAS: FREE plagiarism report on request. The doctors should explain the patients the peculiarities of their condition and treatment as well as persuade them that the way they feel is not just a weakness but a serious illness. Apart from that, the patients should not be additionally stressed in the course of taking treatment, so it is important that the doctors help them feel they are not alone Yehuda, However, people suffering very rarely turn to the doctors who major in mental health.

This is due to the fact that they do not realize how serious their symptoms are. Sometimes the patients are also afraid that others will start perceiving them as emotionally unstable. Some are even afraid that they may lose their job. Nevertheless, this problem can be solved by persuading people that using the services of mental health practitioners is not worse than turning to a physician, for example Yehuda, When a patient with PTSD turns to a doctor, the treatment strategy should be elaborated and followed. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the feeling of stress. At this stage, the techniques, such as anxiety management, exposure therapy helping the patients cope with the memories and feelings associated with the traumatic event , interpersonal therapy helping those who suffer understand, in which way their condition affects different aspects of their life, including relationships with other people , and cognitive therapy teaching patients how to evaluate their own thoughts and beliefs.

It is also worth mentioning that applying the therapies to the groups of people rather than to separate individuals is more helpful, since in such a case the patients do not feel isolated Yehuda, Another way of treatment is prescribing medications. The medications can be advised by a physician. The medical practice has shown that tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors are the most effective for the discussed condition. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most often prescribed medications, since they are the safest ones.

The patients are under constant observation of doctors in the course of taking medication. If the medication prescribed does not help the patient after eight weeks, the doctor advices something different, such as nefazone or venlafaxine. If there is a partial result, then the patient should take additional medicines, for instance, divalproex, which is a mood stabilizer Yehuda, The decision on what type of treatment should be taken, medicines or psychological therapy, or whether they should be combined, must be taken on the basis of the general clinical picture Yehuda, Nowadays scholars focus their work on finding out more about the origin of PTSD so that the illness can be avoided.

The big part of researches is dedicated to the role of genes in creating the memories. Finding out how memories of fear appear can help to create new ways of reducing the negative effects of PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The studies have resulted in identifying that there are the genes, which produce:. There are also many other genes, which have minor effects on the development of PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Strugling with your essay? Ask professionals to help you! Start Chat Apart from studying genes, the scholars also study what happens to the brain during traumatic events and the development of PTSD.

They believe that the part of the brain that takes the biggest part in suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder is amygdala. It plays one of the major roles in learning, memory, and emotion. The amygdala becomes activated in learning how to fear something e. touching hot objects , as well as in learning how not to fear. The scholars also assume that the prefrontal cortex is responsible for keeping the extinguishing memories and dampening fear responses Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Nevertheless, it is worth emphasizing that peculiarities of genes or brain areas cannot become the cause for PTSD. They are only the basis for the development of the illness, which is triggered by environmental factors traumatic events Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Order Essay with this Title Title of your paper Type of your assignment Urgency Writer level Pages Order total: For instance, the researches funded by NIMH are working on medications that are believed to target the causes of post-traumatic stress disorder with the purpose of preventing the illness.

Another group of scholars tries to increase personality, social, and cognitive protective factors to reduce the risk of fast development of PTSD to a minimum. Use a transition thought to prepare the reader for the next supporting paragraph. Third Supporting Paragraph Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph. Support the topic sentence with relevant information. Use a transition thought to prepare the reader for the conclusion. Conclusion Reiterate the main point of the essay. Highlight the supporting points that back up the thesis statement.

Close out with a final thought to give the reader something upon which to reflect after reading. PTSD Essay Outline Example. References Military Times. One In Five Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Suffer from PTSD or Major Depression. It is difficult to get an accurate record of the actual number of children that have been sexually abused. Many cases never come to light and because of differences in definitions of sexual assault, some cases are missed Researchers have begun to explore the concept of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with children and adults that were victims of sexual assault.

Many times people associate particular events with particular stimuli. This point is also made by Yehuda, Flory, Pratchett, Buxbaum, Ising and Holsboer , who report that early life stress can also increase the risk of developing PTSD and there may even be a genetic component involved that predisposes some people to developing PTSD. Studies of Vietnam combat veterans have shown that the type of exposure variables that were encountered i. One important aspect was that research findings suggested that PTSD was more common than was thought to be the case when the DSM-III diagnostic criteria were formulated. Friedman, , para. The first of these criteria qualifies the meaning of trauma. A traumatic event is. PTSD Effects in the Military The military and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD The Iraq occupation cost the Americans as citizens and as a government more than was foreseen hence brought more harm than immediate good to the U.

As a nation. This is in light of the collateral damage that the war has caused to the people of America physically and emotionally. Many arguments have been fronted that the benefits of. While there are approximately 5 million people suffering from the illness at any one time in America, women are twice as likely to develop PTSD as compared to men.

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