Women empowerment, child abuse, unemployment, etc are some of the major problems in India that require action and support from all groups of people in India. If we do not resolve these in time, these may grow bigger and bigger with time and impact our relationships negatively. Time and Tide Wait for None Essay. The proverbial use of this phrase is to give an incentive to individuals who are lazy and inform them on the significance of being proactive. Laziness or idleness are the biggest enemies of a human as much we delay in our work, a stitch in time saves nine essay, we would have to do double or triple efforts for its completion and if this small matter is understood by all then no work would be difficult or unsolvable for anyone. Such people often repent later.
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
Laziness or idleness are the biggest enemies of a human as much we delay in our work, we would have to do double or triple efforts for its completion and if this small matter is understood by all then no work would be difficult or unsolvable for anyone. Any kind of problem we have to face in our daily life maybe it is personal, physical or social, if it is not solved within the time then we must have to suffer further in resolving that which later takes more time. This English proverb defines that the practice of completing all your work on time would result in positive in your life as well as helps you in achieving great success in life. A little management in time can be much beneficial for you in the future, a stitch in time saves nine essay.
To avoid difficulties or any kind of trouble, we need all our work to finish on time so that we can abstain from the bundle of work pending for us. Immediate action for any such issue would always affect in a positive manner and save us from the big problem which would come in front of us due to our laziness or idleness. A small crack in the cemented wall may be the cause of the housing collapse if that crack is not repaired on time, a stitch in time saves nine essay. Same as carelessness or negligence from your side towards children may be the reason for the increased distance or difference in thoughts of you and your kids.
If we consider this issue at a social level, many such issues exist here that require immediate action by every citizen of our country. Women empowerment, child abuse, unemployment, etc are some of the major problems in India that require action and support from all groups of people in India. A little bit of precaution and commitment of time management towards your work, family, society or nation would definitely result in a positive manner. By delaying or postponing our duties or work for tomorrow, we just have to do double and trouble efforts for completing it thus ignorance or negligence of our duties is just a foolish decision taken by a stitch in time saves nine essay. Whether the problem is related to physical, personal or social we all require quick attention and action from our side.
The habit of laziness and leaving things on the next day is the worst habit of a person which prohibits them to get success in life, a stitch in time saves nine essay need to remove this habit from us on an immediate basis. Everyone should know the importance of time for achieving some great things in life. Even we should all teach our children to understand the time management to get better results in life. Many of us leave our work for tomorrow and days after tomorrow, thus this act of delaying work affect negatively on us in various manners. For example, if we got injured a stitch in time saves nine essay an iron pin and we ignore it in spite of doing treatment by applying antiseptic on it then we would have to face the critical disease in terms of infection or increased septic.
Leaving our duties on others or on the next day is the bad quality in a person that requires to be recovered or end on a prime basis. To repair or solve some kind of damage or problem, in the beginning, is much easier and beneficial for all. We can take several examples of making people understand this fact. To make things according to us we need to have time management in our daily routine life. Due to having laziness nature sometimes people ignore the bad impact of delaying things for further which should not be acceptable by anyone. The quality of taking things seriously and efficiently working on it would save you from any kind of trouble in life. In the end, it is advisable to those people who are fond of leaving or ignoring things and take all matter lightly in life that time management is the best quality; a person can have if he wants to achieve something great in life.
We should do our work on time in spite of cursing or blaming others. Destiny would definitely change according to your hard work and efforts and will always be in your favor. Anand Kumar Srivastava has completed graduation in Statistics, a stitch in time saves nine essay. He is a content writer by his passion. Anand likes exploring and writing on such a topic that can help students and aware them of historical and statistical truth as well. He says that writing is a part of his daily habit and he has written for many other reputed portals too. Main Menu 10 Lines Paragraph National Days Politics English Grammar Proverbs Others Date Sheet Result Essay Article Speech General Awareness Colleges Polytechnic Colleges Engineering Colleges B Ed Colleges Medical Colleges Contact us.
Login in to your account. Lost your password? Lost Password. Back to login. com — A Place for Students to learn online. Essay on A stitch in time saves nine Essay. by Anand Srivastava, a stitch in time saves nine essay. Previous Story Essay on Charity begins at home. Next Story Essay on All that Glitters is not Anand Srivastava Anand Kumar Srivastava has completed graduation in Statistics. Related articles Essay on Books Essay. Essay on My Dream Essay. Essay on Good Manners Essay. Also Read it Adverbs of Frequency English Grammar. Possessive Noun English Grammar. All rights reserved.
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A small crack in the cemented wall may be the cause of the housing collapse if that crack is not repaired on time. Same as carelessness or negligence from your side towards children may be the reason for the increased distance or difference in thoughts of you and your kids. If we consider this issue at a social level, many such issues exist here that require immediate action by every citizen of our country. Women empowerment, child abuse, unemployment, etc are some of the major problems in India that require action and support from all groups of people in India. A little bit of precaution and commitment of time management towards your work, family, society or nation would definitely result in a positive manner.
By delaying or postponing our duties or work for tomorrow, we just have to do double and trouble efforts for completing it thus ignorance or negligence of our duties is just a foolish decision taken by us. Whether the problem is related to physical, personal or social we all require quick attention and action from our side. The habit of laziness and leaving things on the next day is the worst habit of a person which prohibits them to get success in life, we need to remove this habit from us on an immediate basis. Everyone should know the importance of time for achieving some great things in life. Even we should all teach our children to understand the time management to get better results in life. Many of us leave our work for tomorrow and days after tomorrow, thus this act of delaying work affect negatively on us in various manners.
For example, if we got injured by an iron pin and we ignore it in spite of doing treatment by applying antiseptic on it then we would have to face the critical disease in terms of infection or increased septic. Leaving our duties on others or on the next day is the bad quality in a person that requires to be recovered or end on a prime basis. To repair or solve some kind of damage or problem, in the beginning, is much easier and beneficial for all. We can take several examples of making people understand this fact. To make things according to us we need to have time management in our daily routine life. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Free essay samples on the given topic "Dream Family". You can also order a plagiarism-free custom written essay on the topic from our professional essay writers.
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Buy Essay Homework Help Essay Editing Pay For Essay Write My College Essay Thesis Help Do My Essay Assignment Help Write My Essay Essay Writing Help Buy Term Paper Coursework Writing Write My Research Paper. If we procrastinate and delay our work, we shall only create problems for ourselves. The work will go on increasing with time and we shall feel burdened as the days will pass. If we complete our work timely and regularly, we shall not have any back log and we will not feel over burdened or stressed because of it. This will render a feeling of contentment and keep our personal as well as professional life intact. People who are disciplined complete their work timely. They pay attention to even the smallest problems in their life and try to solve them before they turn big.
This is why they are more successful than others. Each one of us must understand the importance of this proverb and work accordingly. On the contrary, if we ignore them and do not solve them timely they will increase manifolds and trouble us in ways we cannot even imagine. This is something that we are taught from our childhood. As kids, we are told to complete all our tasks on time. Our parents try hard to help us inculcate the habit of completing our studies and other assignments timely every day as they understand its importance. They know that if we leave it for the next day we shall only pile up work for ourselves and it would result in putting much more effort the next day.
Likewise, we must not delay anything whether it is work or something personal. We must work on things and fix them on time so that they do not go out of hand later. If we do not complete or fix things on time we may be required to pay a heavy price for it later. The proverb means that we should make it a priority to complete our tasks timely. This is because, if we do not complete them on time they will keep growing and it will become difficult for us to complete them all at once. This is also true for problems in our lives. If we resolve them when they are still small, we can resolve them with little effort.
However, if we procrastinate and delay in taking timely action on the same, they grow bigger and it becomes hard to resolve them. This holds true for every person in every situation. We must all complete our tasks and solve our problems in time to prevent them from growing and burdening us. We are expected to fulfil various responsibilities as a person. We are expected to obey and respect our elders, maintain our relationship with our parents, siblings, relatives and friends and grow into a good human being. This can only be done if we are disciplined and take things seriously. Only if we are particular about our life will we be able to fulfil all these expectations.
We may have clashes in our personal relationships. These clashes may be over any big or small issue. If we do not resolve these in time, these may grow bigger and bigger with time and impact our relationships negatively. Many people refrain from putting any efforts to resolve such problems initially and regret later as the differences among them grow bigger and become almost irreparable. Similarly, they keep procrastinating and do not work on improving themselves while there is still time.
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