Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Writing an essay for a scholarship

Writing an essay for a scholarship

Keniece Grayan incoming law student at Georgetown, won the OppU Achievers Scholarship in May of Maybe it was when you dove off the high diving board the first time. Some academic committees awarded scholarships to those students who have exceptional community service experiences. Many scholarships are funded by colleges, private organizations or donors, and some state or local programs. Learn More.

Essays for scholarship

See the results of our Family Budget Survey. Click Here to Learn More! At OppU, we carefully review hundreds of essays to choose the next recipient of our scholarship. But all of this is actually good news: Since writing an essay is tough for everyone, getting just a little bit better at it will put you that much further ahead of the competition. Below are three examples of real essays that won our scholarship. A scholarship review committee might read thousands of essays to choose a single recipient. What does this mean? Find them by using any of the popular scholarship sites. To do this, pick apart the essay prompt, writing an essay for a scholarship. What does it explicitly ask for? Is writing an essay for a scholarship anything else that you can discern by reading between the lines?

Get an idea of what the review committee is looking for, and then give it to them. Remember the class you took on how to structure an essay? Do that. Is your grammar correct? Are you using paragraphs properly? Did you proofread for typos? And make no mistake, other candidates will be using all of that space to make the case for themselves. Kaycee Haileya senior at West Charlotte High School, received the OppU Achievers Scholarship in February These questions were asked of me in the eighth grade, a time when all of my conversations with peers were centered around high school. I knew that this question, asked by a close friend, had a hidden message that she was unwilling to say.

Unluckily, others were undeterred by the need for tact. This question was asked because of the school I was assigned to attend. West Charlotte High School was known for being low performing, crime-ridden, and segregated by race and class. West Charlotte was unlike any school I had attended. I have witnessed multiple students getting dragged out of the cafeteria in handcuffs or surrounded by cops on campus for dubious suspicions of crimes. My peers have been subjected to baseless bag checks in the middle of class. I can recall countless times when student movement has been prohibited on campus due to threats to our safety. Few advanced courses are offered, and teacher turnover is rampant as educators quickly become frustrated with the conditions of our school.

I knew that I wanted to change the circumstances around me, writing an essay for a scholarship. First, I strove to be a model student. I took advantage of the limited course offerings at my school and filled my schedule with International Baccalaureate classes. As an IB ambassador I prepare underclassmen to do the same. Next, I wrote about my experiences of educational inequity in the largest publication in the Carolinas. My writing has brought me to the stage of the largest theater in Charlotte.

I have represented my peers on several news platforms. I have spoken on panels with Board of Education members, civil rights activists, local politicians, and leaders of educational organizations such as Teach For America. As a speaker for the local organization Writing an essay for a scholarship Building Initiative, I promote partnerships between companies and Title I schools. All of this work is fueled by my desire to create a more equitable education system. While I am proud to be a representative of my school, I know that most of my peers also have compelling stories to tell. This newspaper has given my peers a place to share their creative writing and art. I also include a student assignment spotlight, to ensure that my peers are getting recognition for their hard work in the classroom.

This newspaper encourages my peers to develop their writing skills and identify their academic interests. I take pride in knowing that my contribution has shown my peers that they have powerful voices that deserve to be heard. Obtaining higher education will allow me to continue uplifting voices and fighting for educational equity in a professional setting. For the OppU Achievers Scholarship, we ask applicants to tell us about what makes them an achiever. She then provides concrete examples writing an essay for a scholarship her accomplishments, and she includes links that document them:. The essay is grammatically flawless. It contains no typos. Ian Tapua law student at the University of Hawaii, won our scholarship in November I intimately understand that for far too long, underrepresented groups, especially Pacific Islanders PIhave writing an essay for a scholarship conditioned to believe our only connection with the law is the criminal justice system.

It is not surprising to accept this truism when it is our bodies that are disproportionately criminalized and as a result overly represented in the prison population, writing an essay for a scholarship. At a time in which immigrants are hotly political and contested, I am an achiever because I was raised by immigrants from Samoa and Tonga. Writing an essay for a scholarship I started law school, I noticed there were no student organizations that supported or advocated on behalf of PI students and as a response, I founded the first- ever Pacific Islander Legal Association.

Within three months of our formation, I organized the first-ever Pre-Law Symposium for Pacific Islanders. The goal of the two-day symposium was to demystify the application process and empower PIs to see they have a space in the field of law. The symposium included two keynote speakers — a Samoan First Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and the first Samoan judge in the United States — a panel of Writing an essay for a scholarship law students, a panel of PI legal professionals, a resume and personal statement writing workshop, a practice LSAT exam, a campus tour, and an admissions and financial aid informational session.

What started as an endeavor with the hope of attracting 15 participants, ballooned into a movement with 77 attendees that hailed from a swath of island nations including New Zealand, Marshall Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Pohnpei, Samoa, Guam, and Hawaii. My advocacy for my community then found its way to the state legislature. I organized student participation, set up lobby days at the state Capitol, and testified in front of and held meetings with various state politicians which eventually led to the passing of the law. I have one goal as a gay Pacific Islander — to utilize the law as a tool for empowerment instead of oppression.

Similar to Kaycee, Ian responds to our essay prompt in a way that demonstrates that he meets all of the criteria we use to evaluate candidates. Keniece Grayan incoming law student at Georgetown, won the OppU Achievers Scholarship in May of This tenacity has empowered me to exceed the mediocre expectations that society has set for people raised in communities like mine, places plagued by high crime and poverty rates and low levels of education and hope. As one of the few people in my community with access to academic and career opportunities in communities of wealth, I feel obligated to push for equity in such spaces. This sense of obligation motivates me to leverage my platforms of privilege to provide members of under-served communities with resources they need to excel in academia and the workforce.

My position as a minority in terms of age, race, gender, or geographic origin in the classroom and workplace has often made me the target of discriminatory behaviors, writing an essay for a scholarship. Instead of allowing the discrimination to decimate my academic success, I employed strategies that I learned from mentors and inclusion training such as focusing on my strengths and seeking professional help to cope. I relied on what I learned about pipeline development while completing seven internships and studying abroad to found Journey to the Board JTTBan organization providing underrepresented students with critical career skills. To date, JTTB has sponsored more than 25 student memberships in professional organizations and three passport applications to encourage study abroad.

While serving as the International Second Vice President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Now, I am preparing to attend law school this fall to disrupt the pervasive racial and gender biases in the legal industry and learn how to harness the law for social change. My story is a testament that the power of the mind is not a writing an essay for a scholarship. I hope that my work inspires individuals from similar backgrounds as me to believe that they too can defy stereotypes and optimize opportunities. More importantly, I hope my story influences others to reach back while climbing forward. Keniece is exactly the type of candidate we were looking for, and her essay provided writing an essay for a scholarship the material we needed to see that, writing an essay for a scholarship.

She goes on to list all of her accomplishments: seven internships, founded a nonprofit, active in community service. These are impressive enough on their own, but what made the essay stand out is that it captured the passion that Keniece brings to her work advocating for the causes she cares about:. These three essay examples are very different from one another. However, what they have in common is that they all convinced us that the applicant was the right person to receive the OppU Achievers Scholarship. All of the applicants did the work to find the right scholarship. When they submitted their essay, writing an essay for a scholarship, they were competing against many other impressive candidates.

However, their unique qualifications matched up with the qualifications we were looking for. All of the essays responded to what we asked for in our essay prompt, writing an essay for a scholarship. This is critical. The winning essays did this. However, you do need to write your essay in a way that meets the formal standards of composition, which the winning essays did. They adhered to a tight paragraph structure and contained no grammatical errors or typos. They stated a thesis that the applicant is an achiever and supported it with evidence. If these essays were submitted for a class at school, they would all receive an A.

All writing an essay for a scholarship the essays clock in at just about words — the limit stated in our essay prompt. They provided as much evidence as possible that they should be the ones to get the scholarship, and we agreed with them. California Residents, view the California Disclosures and Privacy Policy for info on what we collect about you. By clicking Continue, writing an essay for a scholarship, you will be taken to an external website that is not operated or managed by OppFi. We encourage you to read and evaluate the privacy and security policies of the site you are entering, which may be different than those of OppFi, writing an essay for a scholarship.

Further, OppFi is not responsible for and does not endorse, guarantee, or monitor content, availability, viewpoints, products, or services that are offered or expressed on external websites. OppLoans OppU College Resources 3 Examples of How to Write a Scholarship Essay — and Win. By Matt Pelkey, CFEI Matt Pelkey, CFEI. Matt Pelkey, CFEI, is the director of education for OppU where he has successfully implemented personal finance courses, scholarship opportunities, and financial literacy resources for students and adults of all ages.

write a definition essay

Are you pulling all-nighters and pounding coffee? Doing homework on your breaks between work, school activities, and community service? Create a picture, and provide specific, believable examples. In searing pain, I laid on the ice as the crowd fell silent. Something was very wrong. Notice how we immediately FEEL the impact of the injury in the latter example! While we encourage you to be evocative in your language, we also want to stress that you should get to the point. Typically, the simplest, most direct word choices are the most effective.

Avoid generalizations in favor of specific examples. Likewise, avoid flowery language in favor of more succinct sentences. The following sentiment feels overly general and wordy:. This rewrite expresses the same idea in a much more succinct way:. We all know that exclamation marks indicate excitement! Truthfully, we love exclamation points! And while winning financial aid in the form of scholarships IS very exciting, too many exclamation marks can be overkill. In this case, you can use exclamation marks more freely. Many people falsely believe that an exclamation mark will make a sentence more powerful. But the truth is, empowering statements pack a punch without one. These characteristics are huge on a scholarship essay. Essay readers are not simply looking for the hardest story when selecting a winner, but rather a complete narrative that includes how the student has worked to overcome the challenge.

In addition, we recommend focusing on a central event or experience — which tends to read as more powerful, especially when faced with a word or character limit. That means writing in your own voice and tone. So long as you keep it professional, readers want you to sound like YOU. Keep it clean and clear, but also keep it real! Is this the definition of a humble brag? Your scholarship essay is a great place to share your accomplishments. Your character, dedication, and integrity should come through naturally in your writing. Most scholarship essays are fairly short, so avoid bloating your essay with gratitude and praise for the opportunity. Use your character and words allotments to answer the prompt thoroughly instead!

If you have space, a brief thank you is thoughtful and appropriate. Polite but to the point. So revise, revise, revise! Walk away from your work to clear your mind and then come back to it. Choose a trusted teacher, peer, or friend, and be open to their suggestions for improvement. A well-planned essay has a much higher chance of winning than one you crank out last minute. We recommend giving yourself at least 2 weeks before the deadline of an essay to brainstorm, draft, and revise your essay. Ideally, you should leave a couple of days between each of these stages of the essay writing process. This break will help you avoid essay writing burnout. If the essay prompts and directions are nearly identical between one scholarship application and another, you can reuse the essay.

And this will save you a ton of time! Your answer to both prompts is probably going to be the same, right? Write the essay for one application. Then, reuse and adapt that same essay to fit the word count, directions, etc. of the second application. Coca Cola Foundation in your essay, remember to change the name when reusing the essay for another scholarship application! We sure do. Whether you find them scrolling Instagram or keep them tacked up above your desk, a great quote can be super empowering. I want to attend college so I can become a nurse and change the world. If you find it hard not to think about the essay, wait a day or even a few days before coming back to reread it.

In general, spending time away from your work can help you clear your mind. When you do come back, you may be more likely to notice mistakes or see gaps which require elaboration. For any essay you write, this is always a helpful tip. As you return to your essay, go through and nitpick your work. Use your fresh mind to rewrite sections or include more or less context, as needed. Ask yourself if the core idea that you came up with during your brainstorm is still apparent in the article. Are you communicating your ideas clearly? Additionally, keep an eye out for grammatical mistakes, such as missing or too many commas, misspellings, or other typos.

If you notice repetitive words, utilize a thesaurus to find acceptable replacements. For many people, it can be hard for them to revise their own work because they hold biases about their writing or are unaware of personal mistakes. Asking another person to review your work may help you refine your essay even more. Additionally, having another person read over your essay can help you determine the clarity of your point: do they understand the flow of your piece, or are they confused by any information? Does the context you provide make sense to the overall idea, or does the reader still have questions? If you have a friend, relative, mentor, or peer that has editing experience — or that is simply a voracious reader — ask them if they can take a moment to look over your piece and make comments or suggestions.

You may be surprised at what they find that you missed! Your scholarship essay is going to be your primary and sometimes sole form of communication with the organization granting the scholarship. Here are some additional tips to help you better communicate your intentions through your scholarship essay:. First impressions matter, and your introductory paragraph will serve as your first impression to the scholarship organization. Refer back to your brainstorm to help identify your message and consider how to attract the attention of the reader through your introductory paragraph.

For some people, it may also help to construct or outline the body of the essay before you construct the introduction, so as to better understand how to concisely get your message across. You may have more freedom to write about yourself in detail for some scholarship prompts, and less of the same freedom for others. Use your discretion. When you originally brainstormed your essay topic, you should have been able to narrow down your topic to just a few key points that you could communicate and cover in detail.

As you fully flesh out your essay, you should ensure that you stay focused on these core ideas. Try not to ramble or get side tracked. Every sentence in your essay should be related in some way to one of your core ideas. Additionally, the organization that is awarding the scholarship is most likely going to be reading hundreds sometimes thousands of scholarship applications and essays. Finally, the most important tip is to simply read and reread the instructions multiple times to ensure you understand the prompt, what is expected of you, and all of the other essential guidelines pertaining to your essay. It is entirely possible that you will never meet your collegiate benefactors or professors in person, and will only communicate with them via your writing online.

Writing an imaginative and thoughtful scholarship essay can help you pay for online schooling for either a bachelors or masters degree program. It can also get you started on the right foot to have a solid financial aid foundation to pursue your college dreams. Most of the students would probably lose faith in themselves, their academic writing ability and curse the detestable custom writing service that have written the essay for scholarship in question. Our team are experienced in writing all kinds of custom papers, including college entrance essays, book reports, short essays, evaluation essays, narrative essays, travel essays, and many others. Essays for scholarships are especially important for students, who are not that stable financially and cannot afford studying at their own expense, thus turning writing an essay for scholarship into a life savior.

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