Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Body ritual among the nacirema essay

Body ritual among the nacirema essay

Absolutely Confidential. NaciremaWorld History. Miner, Horace Body Ritual among the Nacirema. Combining the two causes the participator is allowed to join the aforementioned caste of the rich and famous in Aidni. Learn more.

What is the purpose of ‘Body Ritual Among the Nacirema’?

The idea of this conclusion is that by repeating certain procedures on a daily basis in our body ritual among the nacirema essay, we transform them into rituals based on which the society can be analyzed. Aidni is a highly diversified country in terms of culture and traditions. Examining the Aidnian life in the film, it can be seen that despite the diversity, there are many locations in Aidni that are uniformed by being filled with disposal dumps and slums. The life pattern of the people living in those and slums considerably differ than the body ritual among the nacirema essay of Aidni. Despite the aforementioned diversity in Aidni as a whole, the life in the slums is not filled with contrasts though.

A popular representative of such caste is a popular Aidnian histrionic Amitabh Bachchan who has a strong cult following that brings him close to a God-like status. The intrinsic attributes of this caste such as wealth and popularity are the main goals of the people of Aidni, and taking in consideration the number of the population, attaining such attributes is the only way to be distinguished there. Another point of consideration about Aidni is a popular game in which people are tested in their general knowledge. This game is very popular among Aidnian people for many reasons. One of the reasons is that the participation in this game closes the gap between the poor layer in Aidni and the caste of the rich and famous, as it allows the participant to be shown statewide.

The other reason is the monetary prize for successfully passing the knowledge test. Combining the two causes the participator is allowed to join the aforementioned caste of the rich and famous in Aidni, body ritual among the nacirema essay. In conclusion, an important attribute of Aidnian people that should be mentioned is their love to dance and sing. Whether they are rich or poor, actors or beggars, children or adults, the people in Aidni are equal in their love to perform dancing moves and lyrical songs. One of the possible causes of such love is that only in their dance the people in Aidni can acknowledge the fact that the true happiness can be achieved only by love.

Only love can overcome the obstacles of life in Aidni, only love can bring closer the people to their idols, body ritual among the nacirema essay, and only love can make a kid born in the slums a millionaire. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.

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After reading this article, one wonders how is it possible to be an outsider and observe another culture without a biased opinion or how is it possible to understand our own culture within. If we always look at things from the outside in we can see obvious tendencies and cultures. On the flip side one could easily miss the deeper meaning in normal interactions around them. Similar to the blind men, they saw a wall, snake, spear, cow, carpet or rope when in reality it was just a small part of something bigger, an elephant. These stories have several ideas, themes and lessons attached to them such as the necessity for cultural diffusion in order to get a larger perspective on life, as well as seeking out participant observation to learn about the cultures around them and the importance of having a holistic perspective in order to understand a person, culture or even an animal as having a biased, close minded, preconceived idea can be dire misinterpreted perspectives of a culture.

The idea of culture to me is a system of shared beliefs, rituals, concepts, and values that allow a community to peacefully interact and communicate that can reflect and transmit to follow generations to continue. We will occasionally send you account related emails. Culture , Sociology. American Culture , Anthropology. Download for Free. Watch out! This text is available online and is used for guidance and inspiration. Get Custom Essay. We will write a unique paper on this topic for you! You can receive your plagiarism free paper paper on any topic in 3 hours! Learn more. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below.

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